Armatherm application
Armatherm™ 500
Foundation Wall Thermal Bridging Solution
Thermal Heat is lost at the periphery of the foundation due to bridging at foundation wall transitions. The external wall’s effective R Value decreases as a result. The thermal envelope of a building includes the foundation. Heat escapes from a structure at the junction of a slab on grade and a foundation wall as well as at the transition between an outside wall and a foundation. This is primarily caused by features of non-continuous insulation.
ARMATHERM™500 Benefits
- Essential for continuous insulation
- Resistant to freeze thaw cycles
- Simple installation technique
- Custom size to match masonry depths

Foundation Wall Thermal Break
By adopting an effective, structural thermal break, the linear transmittance (heat loss) at the base of the foundation wall can be decreased by as much as 60%. A load-bearing thermal break material called ArmathermTM 500 is produced in a variety of densities to offer a range of load capabilities with R values as high as R 3.8 per inch.
By lengthening the slab insulation, thermal bridging at a foundation wall transition can be further minimised.

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